Iti doresti sa citesti cartea Vlad III Dracula the Impaler. A versatile legend of early renaissance scrisa de Alina Dedal, Daniel Ionita? Nimic mai simplu, apasa pe butonul de mai jos si o vei gasi in format fizic. Vei putea citi cartea Vlad III Dracula the Impaler. A versatile legend of early renaissance chiar din caminul casei tale.
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Descrierera cartii Vlad III Dracula the Impaler. A versatile legend of early renaissance
Vlad III Dracula the Impaler. A versatile legend of early renaissance. A visionary ruler. An enquiry concerning facts and artifacts
As visible as he is as a historical figure so his image is distorted, being currently the subject of the contemporary debate of two opposing perspectives regarding the same mythological figure: a great sovereign or an absolute tyrant. The authors of this essay aim to answer some questions emerging from this debate, looking at the historical facts and artifacts attributed to Vlad III Dracula (Tepes) – which are more or less known to the wider public – placing the famous protagonist in the correct historical moment of the early Renaissance and interpreting the entire context from the present time perspective of a global and interdependent world. Thus, piecing together, the complex and vibrant picture of this period of the Renaissance, we can see it more accurately as a cluster of cultural strategies and techniques within an extremely turbulent political milieu.
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